The Codrington Library Plaster Busts by John Cheere -
All Souls College, University of Oxford.
Part 3. Sir William Petre (1505 - 72).

Sir William Petre
by Unknown artist
oil on panel,
924 mm x 711 mm.
Montacute House, Somerset
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Petre acquired the lease of the monastic lands at Montacute
after the dissolution of the priory there in 1539. He sub-let to the Phelips
family who built the present house at the end of the sixteenth century.
piece of paper which is depicted in this portrait of Petre as if attached to
the wall is known as a 'cartellino'. It states that Petre was Secretary of
State to Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I. This form of cartellino
was added to paintings in the collection of John, Lord Lumley and is not
original to the portrait.

Sir William Petrie
William Holwell Carr (1758 - 1830)
Oil on Canvas
86.3 x 76.5 cms
Presented by the Artist in 1785.
University of Oxford.
This painting if not based on a missing original would appear to be at least partly basted on the Cheere bust - note the similarities in the head gear.
This painting if not based on a missing original would appear to be at least partly basted on the Cheere bust - note the similarities in the head gear.
Image courtesy Art UK.
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