Monday 8 April 2019

Richard Gipps, Bust in West Harling Church by Joseph Wilton.

Richard Gipps (- 1780) 
 by Joseph Wilton (1722 - 1803).
Marble Bust. 
in All Saints Church,
West Harling, Norfolk.

The monument put up by his nephew William Crofts. 

West Harling, a village in the Thet valley, was deserted in the first half of the 18th century. Originally part of a cluster of settlements which all had the name 'Herlinga' in 1086, three of these had become known as West Harling (with its church of All Saints'), Middle Harling (with St Andrew's church) and Harling Thorpe. Middle Harling became part of West Harling parish in 1543. 

When newly Lord of the Manor in 1736, Richard Gipps, sealed the fate of the until then fairly prosperous villages, Gipps bought all the houses except for one small cottage and so had reduced the number of dwellings. 

Gipps' heirs closed the old road, and the foundations of the demolished church in Middle Harling were uprooted to build up a marshy ground. 

All Saints church today stands isolated, the Hall built by Gipps was demolished in 1931 and conifer plantations cover much of his estate.

For West Harling Church see -


Richard Gipps Esq. of West Harling Norfolk.

West Harling formerly consisted of several small manors, which in the time of William the

Conqueror, were held as a berewic of the capital manor of Kenninghall by the Albinis and
their successors, the de Angerville family. About 1564, it was sold to Basingbourne Gawdy
Esq, of Mendham, in Suffolk ( 1532 – 1590 ) and by descent until the end of the male line
with Sir Basingbourn Gawdy Gawdy, 3rd Baronet (d. 1723 ) who left the estate to his three
nieces and they conveyed the whole estate to Joshua Draper, Esq who demolished it in
1725. He then began building a new house and sold it to Richard Gipps, Esq who bought
the estate in 1736.

Nicholas William Ridley-Colborne, 1st Baron Colborne (1779 –1854), who succeeded to the estate of his maternal Uncle, including West Harling, and assumed the surname Colborne.

Sir George Edmund Nugent, 2nd Bt. (1802-1892), who, in 1830, had married the second daughter of the 1st Baron Colborne, the Hon. Maria Charlotte Ridley-Colborne (d.1883) and inherited the West Harling estate.

There was a contents sale by Puttick and Simpson. 1929 before West Harling Hall was demolished and a number of pieces of Kentian furniture were included in the West Harling sale in 1929, similarly in the sale of the 'original and valuable fixtures and fittings' of West Harling Hall held on the premises, July 8-9, London, Norbury-Smith, 1931 there were William Kent mantelpieces, overmantels, carved doors and overdoors included in the sale as Lots 51-56.

In the same sale there was also a portrait of Richard Gipps (Lot 91, fixed in overmantel) which remained mounted in its original position.

West Harling formerly consisted of several small manors, which, in the time of William the Conqueror, were held as a berewic of the capital manor of Kenninghall by the Albinis and their successors, the de Angerville family. About 1564, it was sold to Bassingborne Gawdy, Esq., of Mendham, in Suffolk (1532-1590) and by descent until the end of the male line with Sir Basingbourn Gawdy, 3rd Baronet (d. 1723) who left the estate to his three nieces and they conveyed the whole estate to Joshua Draper, Esq who demolished it in 1725. who in turn sold it to Richard Gipps, Esq in 1736.

Nicholas William Ridley-Colborne, 1st Baron Colborne (1779 – 1854) sat as Member of Parliament for Bletchingley from 1805 to 1806, for Malmesbury from 1806 to 1807, for Appleby from 1807 to 1812, for Thetford from 1818 to 1826, for Horsham from 1827 to 1832 and for Wells from 1834 to 1837. In 1839 he was raised to the peerage as Baron Colborne, of West Harling in the County of Norfolk.

 Thence to Sir George Edmund Nugent, 2nd Bt. (1802 – 1892 ), who in 1830, had married the second daughter of the 1st Baron Colborne, The Hon. Maria Charlotte Ridley-Colborne ( d 1883 ) and inherited the West Harling


Portrait and photograph of West Harling Hall courtesy Bonham's Auction House - see:


Leake Okeover

Bust of Leake of  Okeover by Joseph Wilton - private Collection
image from Conway Library

Friday 5 April 2019

Bust of Dr John Bamber by L.F. Roubiliac, and Monument to Sir Crisp Gascoyne in Barking Church.

 Dr John Bamber (1667 - 1753).

by Louis Francois Roubiliac. 

The Marble Bust.


On the Bamber monument. 

and the Monument to Sir Crisp Gacoyne. (c. 1761).

Both these monuments are in the North Aisle in St Margaret of Antioch Church.

Barking, Essex.

A few roughly edited notes and images:

The monument is perhaps by Henry Cheere typically showing his use of coloured marbles but the bust has all the hallmarks of the mature Roubiliac and his mastery of depicting old men naturistic fashion

The pupils of the eyes are incised suggesting that the bust was perhaps made earlier and incorporated onto the monument posthumously. 

It has been suggested in the past that blank eyes on a portrait bust suggest that it would have been made posthumously - I remain to be convinced.

Roubiliac here repeats the details of the classical dress found on the busts of Andrew Fountaine and Thomas Winnington.

see below and:

John Bamber, M.D., was a native of Kent, practised as a surgeon. When of mature age, he withdrew from that department of practice, devoted himself to physic, and, having produced letters dismissory from the company of Barbers and Surgeons, dated 16th July, 1724, disfranchising him from that company, he was admitted a Licentiate of the College of Physicians 5th October, 1724. 

On the 12th April, 1725, he was created doctor of medicine at Cambridge, per literas Regias, as a member of Emmanuel college; and coming again before the Censors for examination, was admitted a Candidate 18th October, 1725; and a Fellow 30th September, 1726.

Sir Crisp Gascoyne  married Margaret, daughter and co-heiress of Dr. John Bamber, of Mincing Lane, who purchased large estates in Essex and built the mansion of Bifrons at Barking.

A drawing of this house as it appeared in 1794 is preserved in the Guildhall Library copy of Daniel Lysons's Environs (vol. iv. pt. i. p. 88).

Gascoyne had four surviving children—Bamber, Joseph, Ann and Margaret. His wife was buried in Barking Church 10 October 1740.

Portraits of Crisp Gascoyne and Dr. John Bamber are displayed in Hatfield House.

Hic jacet Johannes Bamber, M.D.
Reg. Soc. Colleg. Medic. Lond. Socius,
qui per multos annos medicinam
cum multâ laude feliciter exercuit.
Reipublicæ utilis suisque non inglorius vir;
maritus, parens optimus,
sociis charus, omnibus benevolus;
egenis arte atque re suâ liberalis.
Occidit eheu! Flebilis
occidit morte subitâ nec inopinatâ,
senectute gravi, non valetudine,
Novembris die septimo, anno salutis 1753,
æt. suæ 86.


Dr John Bamber.

Louis Francois Roubiliac.

Marble Bust Life Size.

All photographs above taken by the author in very low light.


Brief bio. of Dr Bamber from the Royal College of Physicians - Lives of the Fellows:

Dr John Bamber.

William (Willem) Verelst (working in England c. 1732 - 56).

49 x 39.5 inches.

The Portrait at Hatfield House.

There is also a portrait of his wife at Hatfield by Verelst.

Kindly supplied by Sarah Whale at Hatfield House.

see -

Marie Bamber wife of Dr John Bamber.

Portrait by Verelst pair to the portrait above.

Photograph kindly supplied by Sarah Whale at Hatfield House.


Thomas Winnington d 1746.

The Monument.



Stanford  on Teme Worcestershire.

The bust by Roubiliac.

The monument Henry Cheere?

Photograph courtesy SSH conservation.

For the Winnington monument see my blog post -

The lions paw feet on this monument are repeated in the Bamber monument (see photographs above) at St Margaret of Antioch Church in Barking, Essex.

A letter of the 22 February 1749/50 in the Lewis Walpole Library was discovered by Todd Longstaff Gowan, from Henry Fox to Charles Hanbury Williams who had the monument erected.

The letter asks that Hanbury Williams retainer Richard Evans should:

"write a line to Mr Eckar (John Giles Eccardt) to deliver your picture of Mr Winnington done by Vanlo to my order. from that and Goussets (Isaac Gossett) Bas Relive of him Rouvilliac is to make a bust which may be plac'd upon a monument something like that set up to the primate Boulter (by Henry Cheere) in Westminster Abbey. You please to write in verse or prose or both shall be there inscribed, and I beg you will intend to do it now whilst You are at Colbrook".

This confirms that Roubiliac sculpted the Winnington bust using the portrait and a wax relief by Isaac Gosset.

This wax relief appears to have remained with Roubiliac and was put up for auction (Mr Winnington in Wax) at the posthumous sale of Roubiliac First day, Lot 68.

Although by no means clear this suggests that there was a strong link between Henry Cheere and Roubiliac as contractor and sub contractor, but in this case it is most likely that Cheere provided the monument and the bust had already been sculpted.

It has been suggested that there was a convention in the eighteenth century for not carving the pupils of the eyes if the subject was dead - something that needs to be clarified.

Information above culled from the Roubiliac and Cheere in the 1730's and 40's Collaboration and subcontracting in 18th Century English Sculptors' Workshops by Malcolm Baker in the Church Monuments Society Journal Vol X. 1995.


Sir Andrew Fountaine
Monument Narford Church


The Tomb of John Merick (d.1749).

Norwood Church.

This drawing included here to show the feet of the sarcophagus which are very close to the monument of Dr John Bamber (above).

Tomb of John Merick (d.1749).

Norwood Church.

Drawing attributed to Daniel Lysons, 1762–1834, British for The Environs of London.

Drawn between 1796 and 1811.

Pen and black ink, watercolour and gouache over graphite on medium, slightly textured, cream wove paper.

37.8 × 27.3 cm.

Inscribed in pen and black ink, upper left: Norwood Vol IX page 322"; inscribed, upper right: "172"

Yale Centre for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection


The Company of Undertakers.

William Hogarth.

26.9 x 18.7 cms.

William Hogarth's original engraving and etching.The Company of Undertakers is a  commentary upon the medical profession. Represented within a satirical coat-of-arms the engraving is bordered in black, like a mourning card. Beneath it are a pair of ominous crossbones and the motto, "Et Plurima mortis imago" -- 'And many an image of death'.

The three  doctors at the top of the coat-of-arms were based upon real medical practitioners. In the centre of this trio is a figure dressed in a clown's suit which Hogarth refers to as "One Compleat Doctor". This figure was actually a woman named Sarah Mapp (1706 -37), a well known bone-setter. To her left is a feminine faced physician meant to portray Joshua Ward ('Spot Ward') (1684 - 1761), a doctor who had a birth-mark covering one side of his face. To her right, resides John Taylor (1702 - 90, a well known oculist of the day. Taylor, it is reported, had only one eye. 

The lower portion of the coat-of-arms contains twelve more quack doctors. Most are occupied in sniffing the heads of their canes, which, in the eighteenth century, contained disinfectant. Three doctors, however, are absorbed by the contents of a urinal. Their expressions range from sour to unintelligent.

In the lower part of the shield is a group of twelve doctors.  Their identity is unsure and it is possible that they are generic characters. John Nichols, however, identified two possible figures: Pierce Dod, a member of the Royal Society and the Royal College of Physicians and a staunch opponent of variolization practices, and John Bamber, who worked as an obstetrician and lithotomist at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London,until 1731. 

Others, on the other hand, consider it very unlikely that these two doctors are depicted in the engraving, as they were not considered charlatans, but eminent professionals. 

If one of these represented here is Dr John Bamber then Hogarth might have included him because of his resignation in 1731 from St Bartholemews Hospital when the board of Governors would not elect his son in law, Crisp Gascoyne as his assistant. Hogarth became a governor of St Batholemew's Hospital in 1734 (see - From Hogarth to Rowlandson: Medicine in Art in Eighteenth-century Britain by Fiona Haslam, 1996).


The Gentleman's Magazine, Nov 1791.

Obituary of Bamber Gascoyne.

Posted here to show the relationship of Bamber Gascoyne I to John Bamber and is probably the first mention in print of the appearance of John Bamber in Hogarth's engraving - "The Company of Undertakers".


Not really relevant to this post but of tangential interest -

Joshua Ward 1684 - 1761.

 by Agostino Carlini.

Joshua (Spot) Ward.


Life size - 213 cms.

Right click for much larger image.

Victoria and Albert Museum

Possibly made for Westminster Abbey but some say it was considered too large.

V and A say - The subject was a renowned quack-doctor, who manufactured, advertised and sold his patent medicines, known as "Ward's Drop and Pill". The present figure may have been intended as part of a monument to Ward to be erected in Westminster Abbey, but this plan was never brought to fruition, perhaps because the project was incomplete at Ward's death. A drawing showing how the statue might have been intended to be seen within a niche is in the British Museum (

Presented to the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce (the Royal Society of Arts) by Ralph Ward (the great-nephew of Joshua Ward, and one of his executors) in 1793.

Purchased from the Royal Society of Arts with the assistance of funds from the Phillips Bequest in 1991 for £250,000.


The Monument to Sir Crisp Gascoyne (1700 - 1761).


St Margaret of Antioch Church Barking
Barking, Essex.

The use of the coloured marble might suggest an attribution to Henry Cheere.

Lord Mayor of London (1752 -3).

Crisp Gascoyne was born in Chiswick. He was the youngest son of Benjamin Gascoigne  (1660-1731) and Anne  Crisp (born 1664) and was born, according to William Frogley, on 1st August 1700 and baptised on 26th August 1700.  

He married Margaret Bamber (1702-1740) on 2nd  July 1723 at Layston, Hertfordshire. She was the daughter and co-heiress of Dr. John Bamber (1667-1753), a wealthy physician of Mincing Lane, London and owner of Bifrons, Barking.

Crisp Gascoyne was a brewer, set the firm of "Gascoyne and Weston" in Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, in 1733 and was living at Bifrons, the country property of Dr. John Bamber, in Barking in 1733 where his four youngest children, Bamber (1725-1791), Joseph, Ann & Margaret were allegedly baptised between 1733 and 1738.

His wife, Margaret the daughter of Dr John Bamber, predeceased Crisp and was buried in Barking Church on 10th October 1740. In 1745 he bought Westbury House, Barking. 

By 1755 he was living in Mincing Lane, London, possibly in his father-in-law's house. Crisp was elected master of the Worshipful Company of Brewers in 1746–1747. 

He served as sheriff of London and Middlesex in 1747–1748 and became Lord Mayor in 1752 and was the first chief magistrate to occupy the then newly completed Mansion House.

His daughter Ann Fanshaw, assumed the role of Lady Mayoress due to the earlier death of her mother. Her splendid silk dress, embroided with hops and barley to represent her father’s brewing interests is held by the Museum of London. Crisp was knighted on 22nd November 1752. He was also a verderer of Epping Forest. Crisp’s great wealth allowed him to buy large estates in Essex, including the Ilford Hospital Chapel.

Crisp Gascoyne is remembered for the trial of Squires and Wells, two women who were convicted of kidnapping Elizabeth Canning.  He overthrew the verdict and consequently had his coach windows smashed and his life threated. Crisp Gascoyne was ultimately vindicated.


Sir Crisp Gascoyne.

Portrait at Hatfield House, Herts.

Photograph kindly supplied by Sarah Whale, archivist at Hatfield House.

see -


Sir Crisp Gascoyne.

by James Macardell, after William Keable.

Mezzotint, 1753?

 476 mm x 352 mm plate size.

National Portrait Gallery


Sir Crisp Gascoyne 1752.
Height 17 cms. approx.


225 x 338 millimetres.

Lettered with captions in the image, the titles and a key: '1 Canning Prosecutor. 2. The Planters Advocate. 3&4 Oratos H-l-y & M-n. 5. 

The Lady acting in her Vacation by sending such Heroes to the Gallows.'; annotated in ink on the recto 'Sir Crisp Gascoyne 1751', with letters missing from the inscription 'Henley', and 'died Oct 1756.'.


Anonymous engraving a Satire relating to the Canning affair.


248 x 350 mm.

Lettered with captions in the image, the title, six lines of verse 'When one head has a Cause in hand ... Which, one, might ever hold in Doubt'; in another script 'drawn from the life by the Right Honourable the Lady Fo-y K-w 

Pubd accordg the Act Pr. 6d.'; annotated in ink on the recto 'Coll. Physicians / Elizabeth Canning / Justice Canning / Ld. Mayor Crisp Gascoyne / Dr. Hill. / Mary Squires the Gipsey / Bottle Conjurer March 1749. / Gent. Mag. March 1753 / 1753'.


Anonymous Satire on the Canning Affair; Crisp Gascoyne and Mary Squires, "the old gypsy", carried in triumph by four old gypsies carrying broomsticks and wearing pointed hats. 



326 x 258 mm.

The publication of the print was recorded in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1754, p.295. Squires was pardoned in May 1753, but the affair remained a matter of public controversy beyond Elizabeth Canning's transportation for perjury in August 1754. For an account of the affair, see S O'Connell, "London 1753" (2003), nos.1.59 - 1.66 with further references.

British Museum.



Satire on Elizabeth Canning at the moment when she is on trial for perjury, shown with the Bottle Conjurer, another hoaxer.

Etching and engraving

Lettered with captions in the image, the title, eight verses of four lines each 'Dear Betsey, Pious pensive maid ... Less by thy virtue, than thy crimes.' and Publish'd according to Act of Parlt. by Fenwick Bull on Ludgate Hill. Price 6d.'; 

Annotated in ink on the recto 'Dr. Hill. Sir Crisp Cascoyn. / Battle Conjurer / Mr Lyon / Eliz. Canning / Cannings Master was a Mr Lyon / 1754 / 1754'.

262 x 321 mm.

Pub. Fenwick Bull.


British Museum

For Fenwick Bull see my previous blog post:


Satire on the "Jew Bill" and the Canning Affair; six aldermen at a table discussing bribery and circumcision in relation to the Jewish Naturalization Bill; one of them is Sir Crisp Gascoyne who refers to his support of Mary Squires, "the gypsy", against the accusations of Elizabeth Canning who stands behind him. 


The continual inability of the British Museum to fix their website download of hi res images problem is very tedious. This has now been going on for nearly 6 months.


For Bamber Gascoyne I ( 1725 - 1791) son of Sir Crisp Gascoyne. 

Lord of Trade Apr. 1763-Aug. 1765, Feb. 1772-July 1779; Lord of the of Admiralty July 1779-Mar 1782; Receiver General. of customs Apr. 1786- d.


Tuesday 2 April 2019

Speculation by Zoffany, Garrick Club.

William Thomas Lewis, Joseph Shepherd Munden, 
JohnQuick, and Tryphosa Jane Wallis, 

 in "Speculation". 
Johann Zoffany. 

Oil on canvas, 

102 x 128 cm 
Digital image courtesy of The Garrick Club.

Another post in the occasional series of sculpture in other media.

The actors with a bust of David Garrick by Roubiliac.

The American School by Matthew Pratt

The American School 
by Matthew Pratt
The Studio of Benjamin West.

Metropolitan Museum New York.

Another post in the occasional series of sculpture depicted in other mediums.

The picture depicts a scene in the London studio of Benjamin West, who is generally agreed to be the figure standing at the left. Based on comparisons to self-portraits, Pratt is the man at the easel, an accomplished portrait painter. The identities of the other artists represented in the picture remain uncertain, but they are younger and they draw rather than paint. The composition explores the academic tradition as carried out among Americans in late-eighteenth century London.

Matthew Pratt (1734–1805)

 Oil on canvas

91.4 x 127.6 cm.

 Gift of Samuel P. Avery, 1897.
Metropolitan Museum.

see - Susan Rather, “A Painter’s Progress: Matthew Pratt and ‘The American School’”, Metropolitan Museum Journal 28