Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Bust of Anne of Austria from Castle Howard

A Marble Bust 
Traditionally Known as Anne of Austria (1601 - 66).
Anonymous. circa 1650.
From the Castle Howard Collection.
Sold Sotheby's 8 July 2015.

Wife of Louis XIII, mother of Louis XIV.

Described by Sotheby's as Franco Flemish.

For Sotheby's Catalogue entry see -

Anne of Austria,
Mother of Louis XIV.
White Marble on Grey Marble Socle - 29" tall overall.
Sold Sotheby's, Lot 18, 8th July 2015.

Provenance: Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle (1748-1825), Castle Howard, North Yorkshire, c. 1805; thence by family descent.

Excerpt from the Sotheby's Catalogue.


Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle (1748-1825), Castle Howard, North Yorkshire, c. 1805;
thence by family descent


Castle Howard Archives, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle, MS Listing of Sculptures, c. 1805, p.14, no.162, 'Anne of Austria';

Castle Howard Archives, MS Listing, c. 1815, p.5, Busts in the New Passage, [Antique Passage], 'Anne of Austria';

Castle Howard Archives, MS 5th Earl Probate Inventory, p.35, White Passage in the Main House [Antique passage], 'Anne of Austria';

Castle Howard Archives, MS 6th Earl Probate Inventory, 1849, p.145, Front Hall and Passages, 'Busts of Ann of Austria upon a Pedestal';

Castle Howard Archives, MS 7th Earl Probate Inventory, 1865, p.207, no.100, Grecian Hall Staircase, 'Marble Bust Ann of Austria on covered pedestal';

Castle Howard Archives, MS Duthie Sculpture Catalogue, 1882, p.19, no.113, Passage at back of Drawing foot of large staircase, 'Bust of Ann of Austria'

The bust is first mentioned as being at Castle Howard by the 5th Earl in his 1805 Listing of Sculptures (op. cit.). This reference is highly significant for the reason that the 5th Earl famously acquired pictures from the Orléans collection in 1798, which were subsequently displayed in the Orléans Room. 

The Orleans collection had been amassed principally by Anne of Austria’s grandson, Philippe II, duc d’Orléans (1674-1723), and it had, until the Revolution, been housed in the Palais Royal, the queen’s residence after it had been gifted to her husband by Cardinal Richelieu upon his death in 1642. 

Lord Carlisle would consequently have been all too aware of the significance of possessing a bust of Anne of Austria, and it seems likely, given its absence in earlier inventories, that the marble was acquired because of the sitter’s identity and her relevance to the collection. 

This hypothesis is given credence by the presence of a miniature depicting Anne of Austria in the collection (now no longer in the collection; Hawkesbury, op. cit., p. 21, no. 26). 

Lord Carlisle did not acquire the bust at the 1798 Orléans sale, since pictures only were included in the sale. He must, therefore, have purchased it subsequently.


Lord Hawkesbury, Catalogue of the Portraits, Miniatures, &c., at Castle Howard, The Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society for the Year Ending October 1903, XI, 1904, p. 21, no. 26; 

M. Vickers, 'Rupert of the Rhine: A new portrait by Dieussart and Bernini's Charles I,' Apollo, March, 1978, pp. 161-169; 

C. Avery, 'François Dieussart (c. 1600-61), Portrait Sculptor to the Courts of Northern Europe,' Studies in European Sculpture, London, 1981, pp. 205-235; 

F. Scholten, 'François Dieussart, Constantijn Huygens, and the Classical Ideal in Funerary Sculpture', Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, vol. 25, no. 4 (1997), pp. 303-328; 

M. Boudon Machuel, 'François Dieussart in Rome: Two Newly Identified Works', The Burlington Magazine, vol. 145, no. 1209 (Dec, 2003), pp. 833-840; 

C. Avery, 'The Collector Earl and his Modern Marbles. Thomas Howard and François Dieussart,' Apollo, June, 2006, pp. 46-53; 

A. Bacchi, C. Hess, J. Montagu and A-L. Desmas, Bernini and the Birth of Baroque Portrait Sculpture, exh. cat. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Los Angeles, 2008, pp. 192-195, no. 4.3; 

O. Mallick, Spiritus intus agit'. Die Patronagepolitik der Anna von Österreich. Untersuchungen zur Inszenierungsstrategie, Hofhaltungspraxis und Freundschaftsrhetorik einer Königin (1643-1666), Ph.D. dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2012/2013

Sotheby's would like to thank Dr Oliver Mallick for his kind assistance with the identification of the sitter and the cataloguing of this lot."

Anne of Austria
with the Young Louis XIV
Medallion by Jean Warin (1604 - 72).
Photograph Courtesy The Louvre, Paris


Because I have a slight doubt as to this attribution and because it amuses me, I am including a small selection of interesting contemporary paintings and engravings of Anne of Austria here.

Ann of Austria
After Pierre Mignard

Engraving by Robert Nanteuil
National Gallery of Art, Washington.


Anne of Austria
Simon Vouet
202 x 172 cms
Oil on Canvas
After 1643 when she became Regent to Louis XIV.
Hermitage, St Peterberg

Related image

Anne of Austria as Minerva and Princess Marie Therese as Peace

Simon Renard de Saint - Andre


Anne of Austria.
Engraving by Robert Nanteuil 1666.

After Phillipe de Champaigne
Engraved by Jean Morin.
31.8 × 26.2 cm.
Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington.

Anne of Austria
After Jean Nocret
Engraved by Michel Lasne. 1645.
35.2 × 24.9 cm.
Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington.


Anne of Austria
Clade Mellan
35.2 × 24.1 cm
Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington


Anne of Austria
Louys, Jacob; printmaker; Dutch artist, c.1595 - c.1673
after Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640).

Anne of Austria.
After Rubens.
Engraving by Hendrik Hondius, 1627.

Anne of Austria
Peter Paul Rubens circa 1622 - 25.
Oil on Canvas - 120 × 96.8 cm
Norton Simon Museum.


Anne of Austria
Nicolas Viennot 1633.

Anne of Austria in Mourning .
                                     After Philippe de Champaigne, French (Brussels 1602 - 1674 Paris)        
 Jean Morin, French (1605 - 1650).


Anne of Austria
Miniature attributed to Petitot
Sold Bonhams 21 May 2014.