Friday, 23 November 2018

John Vanderstein at Queen's College, Oxford. Part 7. Robert Eglesfield

John Vanderstein 
at Queen's College, Oxford. 

Part 7. 

The Eight Statues on the West Front of the Library. 

Robert Eglesfield (c.1295 -1349)

Robert de Eglesfield
The Founder of Queen's College.

For an excellent if brief overview of the history of Queens see -

The right hand proper is a replacement noted missing by Mrs Poole in 

Catalogue of portraits in the possession of the University, Colleges, City and County of Oxford
by Poole, Rachael Emily Malleson (Compiler); Royal College of Physicians of London

Publication date 1912.

available and easily searchable online at

All photographs above by the author.


Robert Eglesfield.
Michael BurghersBritish Museum


Robert Eglesfield
Thomas Murray (1663 - 1735).
Oil on Canvas
242 x 152 cms.
Queen's College, Oxford.


John Faber
British Museum