Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Jeremy Taylor, bust by John Cheere, Codrington Library.

The Codrington Library Plaster Busts by John Cheere

All Souls College, Oxford University.

Part 17. Jeremy Taylor (1613 - 67).

Bishop of Down and Connor

Fellow of All Souls

For a very useful biography see - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Taylor

Jeremy Taylor
Portrait at Gonville and Caius College. Cambridge.


Jeremy Taylor (1613–1667)

Jeremy Taylor

Oil on Canvas 100 x 60 cms approx
17th Century?
Durham University
Donated in 1842
Image Courtesy Art UK


Portrait of Jeremy Taylor, half length in an oval frame on a pedestal, wearing skull-cap, collar and gown, and holding book; coat of arms below; frontispiece to his 'Doctor Dubitantium' (1660). Engraving

Jeremy Taylor
Pierre Lombart (1612 - 82).
32.4 x 22 cms


Portrait of Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down, bust in an oval frame on a pedestal, wearing skull-cap, collar and gown. Engraving

Jeremy Taylor Bishop of Downe and Conner 
Engraving 146 x 87 mm.
1660 -70.
British Museum.


All photographs above taken by the author.


David Pole Bust by John Cheere Codrington Library

The Codrington Library Plaster Busts by John Cheere

All Souls College, Oxford University.

Part 16.  David Pole (d. 1568)
Bishop of Peterborough.

Fellow of All Souls in 1520.

Some say bastard brother of Cardinal Pole.  David Pole devoted himself to civil law, and graduated B.Can.L. on 2 July 1526 and D.Can.L. on 17 February 1527-1528. In 1529 he became an advocate in Doctors' Commons. 

He was connected with the diocese of Lichfield, where he held preferments, first under Bishop Geoffrey Blyth, and then under Bishop Rowland Lee. He was made prebendary of Tachbrook in Lichfield Cathedral on 11 April 1531, archdeacon of Salop in April 1536, and archdeacon of Derby on 8 January 1543.

He received the appointment of dean of the arches and vicar-general of the archbishop of Canterbury on 14 November 1540. A conscientious adherent of the Roman Catholic faith, he occupied several positions of importance during Queen Mary's reign. In her first year he acted as vicar-general of the bishop of Lichfield, Richard Sampson, and commissioner for the deprivation of married priests, and in his capacity of archdeacon he sat on the commission for the deprivation of Thomas Cranmer, Nicholas Ridley, and Hugh Latimer, and the restoration of Edmund Bonner and other deprived bishops. He stood high in the favour of Cardinal Pole, said to have been a relative, who appointed him his vicar-general. During the vacancy of the see of Lichfield on Bishop Sampson's death in 1554, he was appointed commissary for the diocese. In the early part of the same year he took part in the condemnation of John Hooper and Rowland Taylor. On 25 April 1556 he was appointed on the commission to inquire after heretics, and to proceed against them.

On the death of John Chambers, the first bishop of the newly formed diocese of Peterborough, the queen sent letters commendatory to Pope Paul IV in Pole's favour. He was consecrated at Chiswick on 15 August 1557 by Nicholas Heath, archbishop of York. He shortly sanctioned the execution of John Kurde, a Protestant shoemaker, who was burnt at Northampton on 20 September 1557.

On the accession of Elizabeth, he was on the first abortive commission for the consecration of Matthew Parker as archbishop, 9 September 1559. In the same year he, with Bonner and two other prelates, signed Archbishop Heath's letter of remonstrance to Elizabeth, begging her to return to the Catholic faith. His refusal to take the oath under the act of supremacy was followed by his deprivation; but he was treated leniently by the queen. Allowed to live on parole in London or its suburbs, he died on one of his farms in May or June 1568. His property he left to his friends, and his books on law and theology to his college, All Souls'.

This information from Dictionary of National Biography (1885 - 1900).