List of the busts in the Wren Library,
Trinity College,
Taken From British History online
see -

Busts on the bookcases etc.
(1) Joseph Nollekens, R.A., aged 84, signed 'L. A.
Goblet fecit 1821',
(2) Homer,
(3) Democritus,
(4) Demosthenes,
(5) Socrates,
(6) Julius Caesar,
(7) Marcus Aurelius,
(8) Horace,
(9) Cicero,
(10) Marcus Brutus,
(11) Seneca,
(12) Virgil,
(13) Anacreon, (poss Grinling Gibbons).
(14) Plato,
(16) Hooper; W. side,
(17) Newton,
(18) Shakespeare,
(19) Spenser,
(20) B. Jonson (Plate 267), (poss Grinling Gibbons).
(21) Beaumont,
(22) Fletcher,
(23) Inigo Jones,
(24) Sydenham,
(25) Milton,
(26) Dryden,
(27) Locke,
(28) Tillotson,
(29) Addison,
(30) Pope,
(31) Porson,
(32) Coleridge.
(13) and (20) may well be two of those for which
Gibbons was paid; they are of wood painted white (see below).
The Pair of Carved Wood busts.
Busts before the bookcases.
(1) Francis Willoughby (Plate 261), 'L. F.
Roubiliac. Sct. 1751',
(2) Sir William Bolland (1772–1840), 'Sievier Sc.',
(3) Adam Sedgwick, '1860, T. Woolner, Sc. London.',
(4) Anthony Shepherd, 'J. Bacon R.A. Sculpt. 1790',
given 1796,
(5) John Mitchell Kemble, 'T. Woolner. Sc. London.,
(6) Roger Cotes, 'P. Scheemakers Fecit: 1758', given
the same year,
(7) Arthur Caley, 1821–95, 'Henry Wiles Sc.
(8) Lord Houghton, 1809–85, by W. W. Story,
(9) Sir Robert Cotton, Bt. (Plate 261), 'L. F.
Roubiliac 1757', given the same year,
(10) William George Clark, 'T. Woolner Sc. London.
(11) Julius Charles Hare, 'T. Woolner, Sc. London,
(12) Connop Thirlwall, 1797–1875, 'E. Davis Sc. London',
(13) Richard Bentley (Plate 261), 'L. F. Roubiliac
Sct. 1756', given the same year,
(14) Joseph John Thomson, 'Derwent Wood R.A. 1923',
(15) (blank),
(16) Francis Bacon, 'L. F. Roubiliac Sculpit 1751';
West side,
(17) John Ray (Plate 261), 'L. F. Roubiliac Sct.
(18) Alfred Tennyson, 1857, 'T. Woolner, Sc.
(19) Arthur Henry Hallam, 1811–33, 'F. Chantrey
(20) James Jurin, 'P. Scheemakers Ft. 1766',
21) Coutts Trotter, 'T. Woolner Sc. London 1888',
(22) Robert Smith, 'P. Scheemakers Fecit: 1758',
given 1758,
(23) Robert Leslie Ellis, 'T. Woolner. Sc. London.
(24) John Ferguson McLennan, 'J. Hutchinson R.S.A.
Edinburgh 1892',
(25) Sir Edward Coke, 'L. F. Roubiliac 1757', given
the same year,
(26) Johnstone Munro, 'T. Woolner Sc. London 1886',
(27) William Whewell, 'E. H. Baily, R.A. Sculp.
(28) William Clark, by Timothy Butler, London, given
(29) Isaac Barrow, signed twice 'L. F. Roubiliac
Sct. 1756', given the same year,
(30) Lord Lyndhurst, 'W. Behnes Sculpt. 1844', given
(31) (blank),
(32) Isaac Newton (Plate 262), 'L. F. Roubiliac
Sculpit. 1751'.
Ray (17) and his pupil Willoughby (1), F. Bacon (16)
and Newton (32) flanking the N. and S. doorways respectively were the first to
be set up; they have original marble pedestals; most of the rest are on oak
pedestals copied from the last. (See also Staircase-pavilion above).
A terracotta bust of Newton (Plate 262), signed 'M.
Rysbrack 1739', has recently been placed near (32); it was at Teddesley Hall,
Warwickshire, from 1756 to 1932.
Isaac Newton. Terra-cotta bust, by Rysbrack. 1739.
Isaac Newton. Marble bust, by Roubiliac. 1751.
Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset,
by Grinling Gibbons
1689 - 91