Thursday, 13 November 2014

Plaster Sculpture at Stourhead.


The Plaster Sculpture at Stourhead House, Wiltshire. 1

The Farnese Hercules

Black painted plaster. 23.25" - 590 mm tall. The colossal Roman version in marble was discovered in 1540 and stood in the Cortile of the Palazzo Farnese until 1786. It was removed and placed in the Museo Nazionale in Naples. One of the great sites of the 18th century Gentlemans "Grand Tour"

The Farnese Flora.

Plaster Bust of Dryden

At First glance this bust appears to be the same as the one at York originally from Kirkleatham Hall (see below) but on close inspection there are several distinct differences particularly in the detail of the dress.

Dryden from Kirkleatham Hall, Yorkshire.

Supplied in 1749, Plaster, Height 16ins.
Currently in store York Museum Trust.