Monday, 8 August 2016

The Dublin Castle Bronze Bust of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Lord Chesterfield. First Photographs.

The Bronze bust of Philip Dormer Stanhope,
Fourth Earl of Chesterfield (1694 - 1773).
Dated 1746.
by Louis Francois Roubiliac.
At Dublin Castle.
Unless I am mistaken this is the first time this bust has been published and the photographs should be compared with the photographs of the other busts of Chesterfield by Roubiliac collected recently on this blog.
I am very grateful to William Derham of Collections and Research at Dublin Castle for taking the trouble to take these photographs for me and to the Irish Aesthete for putting us in contact.
I heartily recommend his blog to anyone interested in the History and Architecture of Ireland
 I will be visiting Dublin in Early October when I hope to obtain better photographs
in the meantime these will have to do.