Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Bronzed Statuettes supplied to Chomley Turner 

by John Cheere in 1749 to 

Kirkleatham Hall, Yorkshire:

currently at York Museum Trust store.

Illustrated with further examples of the Cheere Type Statuettes.


The Kirkleatham Isaac Newton.



Locke, Kirkleatham.

Lead Locke Sold Sotheby's New York 31 Jan 2013.

Sold previously Sotheby's London 9 Nov 1999.

Traces of old paint, Modern Resin Base, Height 19 5/8" - 49.8cms.

Another version in plaster was listed in a 1754 letter from the Cheere to John Grimston.

Rear view Sotheby's Locke.
Milton. Kirkleatham.


Milton - Musee de Beaux Arts de Belge. Height 52.3cms.



Milton at Ham House, (National Trust).

Height 20.25".



Inigo Jones. Kirkleatham.



Alexander Pope. Kirkleatham.

Lead Statuette of Alexander Pope, V and A.

Height 47cms.

Given by Dr W.L.Hildburgh in 1955 along with a lead statuette of Spenser.
Both figures purchased together for £50 - Sotheby's 29 May 1953.

William Shakespeare after the Scheemaker Monument in Westminster Abbey,

Supplied Kirkleatham in 1749.

Height 19.5 ".
Shakespeare, Musee de Beaux Arts de Belge, Height 51.1cms.


Plaster Shakespeare Ham House, National Trust. Height, 20.5".

Supplied 1756.
Homer. Kirkleatham.
The Group of Bronzed Plaster Statuettes at Ham House. Acquired in 1756.
Shakespeare, Milton and Spenser.From National Trust Website.

Shakespeare 20.5"
Milton 20.25"
Spenser 20.75"


The Plaster Busts and a pair of Plaster Statuettes of Rubens and van Dyke at West Wycombe Park.

Alexander Pope, approx. 21" tall
Isaac Newton approx. 21" tall.
Locke, approx. 21" tall.
Milton approx. 21" tall.
Socrates, approx. 21" tall.
The busts all have the same socle of the type used by John Cheere -
 see the photograph of the Milton bust above.
Bronzed Plaster Statuette of van Dyck after Rysbrack - approx. 23" tall.
Bronzed Plaster statuette of Rubens after Rysbrack, approx. 24" tall.
Photographs very kindly supplied by Sir Edward Dashwood of West Wycombe Park.
Another view of the plaster statuette of van Dyck at West Wycombe Park.
This version is signed and dated 1743.
As far as I can tell this plaster statuette of van Dyck is unique bearing this inscription. The terracotta at Bristol Museum does not bear the same signature on the pedestal that he is leaning against.
The Stourhead versions are not signed and the York Museum Trust/Kirkleatham version is signed by Cheere
I am visiting West Wycombe shortly and will be able to take detailed photographs.
A much fuller investigation into the various versions of the Rysbrack statuettes of van Dyck, Rubens and du Quesnoy statuettes will follow on this blog in due course.
Photo Mark Sisley -