Tuesday 6 December 2016

Bust of Bacon in the Long Room at Trinity College Library, Dublin.

The Marble Bust of Francis Bacon, Viscount St Albans.

in the Long Room at Trinity College Library, Dublin.

Unsigned - attrib. to the Workshop of Louis Francois Roubiliac.


Portrait of Francis Bacon, half length in an oval, wearing hat, ruff, and robes; hand resting on purse with a coat of arms.  Engraving

Francis Bacon.

Anon Engraving 1625 - 40.

125 x 75 mm.

© The Trustees of the British Museum.

Portrait of Francis Bacon, nearly whole length, wearing hat, ruff, robes, ribbon and medal, and fur-trimmed cloak, seated at a table writing in a book; books and coat of arms in background to right, curtain in background to left; above, laurel wreath with inscription: 'Tertius A' Platone Philosophiæ Princeps'; frontispiece to Bacon's 'Of the Advancement of Learning' (1640) and 'The Historie of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh' (1641). 1640  Engraving

Francis Bacon.

Engraving by William Marshall.

Frontispiiece to Bacon's Of the Advancement of Learning and the history of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh.

245 x 146 mm.


© The Trustees of the British Museum.


Portrait of Francis Bacon, half length in an oval, wearing hat, ruff, robes, and ribbon; above, a motto, 'Moniti meliora', and a coat of arms.  Engraving

Francis Bacon.


183 x 115 mm.


1630 - 40.

© The Trustees of the British Museum


Portrait, half length in an oval frame, wearing hat, ruff, and fur-lined coat, and holding purse; above, sceptres, coat of arms, and motto 'Moniti meliora'; reproduced in 'Baconiana. Or certain genuine remains of Sr Francis Bacon' (London, J.D. for Richard Chiswell, 1679).  Engraving

Francis Bacon


after F.H. van Hove.

156 x 93 mm.


© The Trustees of the British Museum.

Portrait, half length in an oval, wearing hat, ruff, robes, ribbon and medallion.  Engraving

Francis Bacon.


van der Gucht.

170 x 96 mm.

c. 1720's.

© The Trustees of the British Museum.


Portrait of Francis Bacon, Viscount St Albans, half-length, directed to right but looking at the viewer, wearing lace ruff, fur-trimmed cloak and ornate doublet; in oval frame on pedestal, with cartouche and tablet at the front.  Engraving

Francis Bacon.


Published in Paris c. 1730 - 40.

by Etienne Desrochers.

143 x 100 mm.

© The Trustees of the British Museum


Portrait, directed to left, looking towards the viewer, wearing brocaded doublet trimmed with fur, medal of the George, pointed ruff and tall hat, in an oval frame flanked by mace and purse; after Johnson; state before damage in inscription space.  Mezzotint

Francis Bacon.


after Cornelius Johnson.

351 x 252 mm.

© The Trustees of the British Museum.


Portrait of Francis Bacon, three-quarter length; standing to right, looking towards left; wearing a lace ruff, long ornate coat with floral motives, over doublet; holding a folded piece of paper over a table in his left hand, next to the purse of the Grea

Francis Bacon.


after van Somer.

George Vertue.

265 x 200 mm.


© The Trustees of the British Museum


Portrait, half-length to left, looking to right; wearing a lace ruff and ornate coat; in an oval frame, decorated on top with leaves held together with ribbons; below in front, coat of arms surmounted by crown, mace, ribbon, and purse of the Great Seal; frontispiece to 'Letters and Remains of the Lord Chancellor Bacon. Collected by Robert Stephen, Esq.' (London: 1734); after Somer; proof before letters.  1734  Engraving and etching

Francis Bacon.


George Vertue after van Somer.

205 x 132 mm.#


© The Trustees of the British Museum


Portrait of Lord Chancellor Francis Bacon, bust directed to left but looking at the viewer, wearing a tall hat and ruff; in an ornamental oval with curtain beyond; below a putto holding a sceptre; books and scrolls in lower left; lettered state.  1738  En

Francis Bacon.

Engraving from Birch's Heads.

Houbraken after Vanderbank.

after a Portrait in the Collection of Martin Foulkes.

364 x 231 mm.


© The Trustees of the British Museum


The tomb of Francis Bacon; effigy of Bacon seated, wearing hat and ruff, within an arch; fourth state, before plate cut. 1670  Etching

The Tomb of Francis Bacon.


Wenceslaus  Hollar.

275 x 144 mm.


© The Trustees of the British Museum


Open vault hall with bust of Charles II crowned with a wreath by Fame; Bacon seated at right holding his chancellor's bag; William Brouncker pointing to the inscription on the pedestal at left; books and scientific instruments on the walls in the backgrou

Francis Bacon with bust of Charles II.

Engraving after John Evelyn.

Wenceslaus Hollar

200 x 158 mm.


© The Trustees of the British Museum 


The Kirkleatham Plaster Bust of Francis Bacon.

John Cheere.

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