The Marble Bust of Francis Bacon
First Baron St Albans
First Baron St Albans
in the Wren Library,
Trinity College, Cambridge.
Louis Francois Roubiliac.

Francis Bacon
Bronze Medallion by Jean Dassier
Diam 41 mm
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Silver Medallion
Thomas Bushell
41 mm.
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Frontispiece to Bacon's 'Of the Advancement of Learning' (1640) and 'The Historie of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh' (1641).
William Marshall.
245 x 146 mm
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Crispijn van der Passe
c. 1617 - 30.
154 x 97 mm
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Simon van de Passe
182 x 115 mm.
after 1626.
British Museum

Francis Bacon
after Simon de Passe by Thomas Cross.
118 x 70 mm.
British Museum
![Portrait of Francis Bacon, half length in an oval, wearing hat, ruff, robes, and ribbon; hand resting on purse with a coat of arms; frontispiece to Francis Bacon's 'The History of the Reign of Henry VII [...]' (London: 1676). Etching](
Francis Bacon
Engraving by Wenceslaus Hollar
after Simon de Passe
Frontispiece to Francis Bacon's 'The History of the Reign of Henry VII [...]' (London: 1676).
162 x 111 mm.
British Museum

Francis Bacon
by Frederik Hendrik van Hove
from 'Baconiana. Or certain genuine remains of Sr Francis Bacon'
(London, J.D. for Richard Chiswell, 1679).
156 x 93 mm
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Late 17th Century
engraving by Tyroff
157 x 98 mm
National Portrait Gallery.

Francis Bacon
Michael Vandergucht
175 x 102 mm.
1690 - 1725
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Frontispiece to Francisci Baconi - Opera Omnia - R Gosling
After Paul van Somer
engraved by George Vertue.
265 x 200 mm.
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Cornelius Johnson (Janssen)
pub. J Cooper, d. 1737
351 x 252 mm
c. 1730.
British Museum.

Francis Bacon
Engraving after Paul van Somer
George Vertue
205 x 132 mm.
British Museum

Francis Bacon
Engraving by Jacob Houbraken
after a portrait by John Vanderbank
in the possession of Marin Foulkes qv
in the possession of Marin Foulkes qv
364 x 231 mm.
From Birch's Heads
pub. John and Paul Knapton
pub. John and Paul Knapton
British Museum.

Frontispiece to the History of the Royal Society of London.
Bust of Charles II
with William Brounker seated on the left and Francis Bacon seated on the right.
Engraving by Wenceslaus Hollar
After John Evelyn
203 x 162 mm
British Museum.

Francis Bacon
by John Vanderbank
oil on canvas
765 x 632 mm.
National Portrait Gallery

Francis Bacon
by John Vanderbank
oil on canvas
1276 x 1026 mm.
National Portrait Gallery

Francis Bacon
by anon
oil on canvas
2007 x 1270 mm.
after 1732
National Portrait Gallery.

Francis Bacon
Lazienki Palace
Warsaw Poland.
purchased between 1783 and 1793 by Stanisław Augustus
Francis Bacon
61 x 47 cms
Dulwich Picture Gallery
According to family tradition recorded on a label on the back given by the sitter to the Andrew family of Wandsworth and thence by descent to the donor.
They say after the original at Gorhambury
Francis Bacon
Workshop of Louis Francois Roubiliac
In the Long Room Trinity College Library

Francis Bacon
Portland Stone
Temple of Worthies Stow, Buckinghamshire.
Who by the Strength and Light of a superior Genius,
rejecting vain Speculation, and fallacious Theory,
taught to pursue Truth, and improve Philosophy
by a certain Method of Experiment.

Francis Bacon
Plaster bust
John Cheere
Height 22"
Formerly Kirkleatham Hall supplied to Cholmly Turner in 1749
York Museum Trust.

The Francis Bacon Society
see -

Francis Bacon
by John Vanderbank
oil on canvas
765 x 632 mm.
National Portrait Gallery

Francis Bacon
by John Vanderbank
oil on canvas
1276 x 1026 mm.
National Portrait Gallery

Francis Bacon
by anon
oil on canvas
2007 x 1270 mm.
after 1732
National Portrait Gallery.

Francis Bacon
Lazienki Palace
Warsaw Poland.
purchased between 1783 and 1793 by Stanisław Augustus
Francis Bacon
61 x 47 cms
Dulwich Picture Gallery
According to family tradition recorded on a label on the back given by the sitter to the Andrew family of Wandsworth and thence by descent to the donor.
They say after the original at Gorhambury
Francis Bacon
Workshop of Louis Francois Roubiliac
In the Long Room Trinity College Library

Francis Bacon
Portland Stone
Temple of Worthies Stow, Buckinghamshire.
Who by the Strength and Light of a superior Genius,
rejecting vain Speculation, and fallacious Theory,
taught to pursue Truth, and improve Philosophy
by a certain Method of Experiment.

Francis Bacon
Plaster bust
John Cheere
Formerly Kirkleatham Hall supplied to Cholmly Turner in 1749
York Museum Trust.

The Francis Bacon Society
see -
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