Saturday 29 June 2024

John Thomas Smith The Illustrated Hogarth, 1817.

 John Thomas Smith The Illustrated Life of Hogarth, 1817.


No 1.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 1 | Hogarth carrying his Master's | sick child round Leicester fields | The Spot of ground | Leicester house"


No 2.

Inscribed in pen and black ink, upper left: "W H"; inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 2. | Hogarth engraving his Master's | Shop-bills the sign of the Angel"


No. 3.

Inscribed in pen and brown ink, upper center: "THE GENTLEMAN'S GARDEN" inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "N.3 | Hogarth being out of his time | draws his companion's figure on | the door of a certain place to | the great admiration of all his friends"


No 4.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 4 | Hogarth declaring his love | to Miss Thornhill."


No 5.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 5 | Hogarth after his wife had | put on a new night shift, Ties | up her things to send to sir James | Thornhill with a letter in which | she told him "He took his Daughter | without a Smock to her a--e"


No. 6.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 6 | Hogarth has made breakfast | and sends up a cup to his wife | at the same time ordering the | little dog to be admitted to her | mistresses bedchamber"


No. 7.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 7 | Hogarth drinking the first | glass of wine with his wife | ---their dogs keeping | respectful distances"


No. 8.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 8 | Sir James Thornhill's boy entering | his Master's painting room to | deliver the bundle and a letter in | the presence of Lady Thornhill"


No 9.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 9 | The Smock exposed"


No 10.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 10 | The reconsiliation".


No 11.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 11 | Hogarth drawing Sarah Malcolm".


No 12.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 12 | Hogarth painting in Vauxhall | gdens in the presence of | Jonathan Tyers"


No 13.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 13 | Hogarth painting his | picture of Capt Coram for the | Foundling Hospital"


No 14.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 14 | Hogarth solicits his Patron | Bishop Hoadley to look over | his M.S of "Analysis of beauty"


no 15.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 15 | Hogarth making up a portrait of H. Fielding, | for a Bookseller, from the features of | Garrick who borrowed one of the Author's | wigs for that particular purpose there | being no genuine portrait of him".


No 16.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 16 | Hogarth painting "The Ladys last stake" | in the presence of Lord Charlemont."


No 17.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 17 | Hogarth sitting to Ronbeliac for | his Bust".


No 18.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 18 | Hogarth at Old Slaughter's | hobbing with Highmore | the painter."


No 19.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 19 | Hogarth having been followed by | Barry and a friend was caught | backing a boy to fight-purposely | to catch his fearful countenance".


No. 20.

Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 20 | The Eleventh hour".


JT Smith.

From a drawing by Skelton.

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