Saturday 15 June 2024

Trump the Favourite Dog of Hogarth. A recent discovery.


Trump the Favourite Dog of Hogarth.

Post under construction.

Hogarth is known to have had at least three pugs, Crab, Trump and Pugg.

Hogarth's dog 'Pugg' was reported missing on 5 December 1730 in The Craftsman newspaper when its owner advertised a description and offered a reward - a light colour'd Dutch DOG, with a black Muzzle'.


Trump the Pug modelled by Louis Francois Roubiliac.

An original terracotta by Louis Francois Roubiliac remained with Hogarth's widow Jane until her death in 1790. It was sold by Mr Greenwood at The Golden Head, Leicester Square in the Hogarth sale of 24 April 1790.

"A Cast of the favourite dog".

Sold along with the bust of Hogarth by Roubiliac bought by Mr S Ireland for 7 guineas and purchased afterwards by George Baker FRS, Physician to the King and President of the Royal College of Physicians died 1809) - it was after his death in the possession of his brother.

The bust reappears later at the James Bindley sale in 1819, Lot 238 bought by "Triphook"

The model of Trump appeared again at the Watson Taylor Sale at Erlestoke Park, Wiltshire, Lot 71. July 1832.

This original terra cotta of Trump is now lost. 

Below is an illustration of  Roubiliac's model of Trump from 1799.

                As Ireland says in S. Ireland, Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, London, 1799

: "It had been jocularly observed by him, that there was a close resemblance between his own countenance and that of his favorite [sic] dog, who was his faithful friend and companion for many years, and for whom he had conceived a greater share of attachment than is usually bestowed on these domestic animals"

Lettered with title and production detail, "Phillips Sct / from a bust by Roubilliac / Pub for S. Ireland May 1. 1799".

Images courtesy British Museum website.

For Samuel Ireland see -


Hogarth sitting to Roubiliac.


John Thomas Smith (1766 - 1833).

From 20 Original Drawings projected work (unpublished) Illustrating the Life of Hogarth by J. T. Smith 1817.

Yale Centre for British Art.

Sheet: 12 7/8 × 9 3/4 inches (32.7 × 24.8 cm), Image: 7 3/16 × 5 3/8 inches (18.3 × 13.7 cm)


Inscribed in graphite, verso, center: "No 17 | Hogarth sitting to Roubiliac for | his Bust"

John Thomas Smith, was also known as Antiquity Smith, who we have already met several times in this blog, was an English painter, engraver and antiquarian. 

He wrote a life of the sculptor Joseph Nollekens, Nollekens and his Times, pub. 1828, that was noted for its "malicious candour", and was a keeper of prints for the British Museum from 1815.

His father Nathaniel Smith (c1741 - 1800?) had been placed as an apprentice in the studio of Roubiliac on 7 August 1755, after the death of Roubiliac in 1762, he became an assistant to Joseph Wilton, by 1779 he was working for the sculptor Joseph Nollekens, but later became a print seller.

JT Smith also worked for Nollekens, after a brief apprenticeship he went on to study under the engraver and history painter John Keyse Sherwin from 1781- 4 before working as a drawing master and draughtsman for his longstanding patrons John Charles Crowle and Sir James Winter Lake.

Nathaniel Smith had owned the bust of Hogarth by Roubiliac and probably the model of Trump - sold by the auctioneer Dodd (1771 - 1850) of 101 St Martin's Lane - 26 April 1809 (see below).


For a Book for a Rainy Day by JT Smith pub. posthumously in 1845 see

Note Trump at the feet of Hogarth.

In this drawing trump is facing right. 

This is one of twenty drawings in a Portfolio measuring 13 3/16 × 10 3/16 inches (33.5 × 25.9 cm)


Some more drawings from the same series at YCBA including the dog.

Hogarth and Trump at Old Slaughters along with Joseph Highmore the Painter.


Hogarth Drinking the First Glass of Wine with His Wife - Their Dogs Keeping Respectful Distances, 1817.

Hogarth's dog next to him on the chair.

Rembrandt looking down at the scene.


The Hogarth Pug model used in an etching of 1817 by JT Smith.


JT Smith.

The Collected Version of this Series was First Published in 1817.

Published JT Smith 4 Chandos Street, Covent Garden.

For the 1874 Edition see -

Vagabondiana, or, Anecdotes of mendicant wanderers through the streets of London ; with portraits of the most remarkable drawn fro the life : Smith, John Thomas, 1766-1833 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


For The Dissertation for an MA at the Courtauld Institute of Art 2016 by Fraser Short

(99+) An Analysis of J.T. Smith's Vagabondiana | Fraser Short -


For Smiths Ancient Topography of London pub 1815 see

More on Smith to come in this blog in the near future.


The Plaster Casts and Moulds at the Roubiliac Posthumous Sale.

The only copy of the Roubiliac sale catalogue so far discovered is in the Finberg Collection at the British Museum.

Plaster casts of the pug were sold among Roubiliac's effects, at the posthumous sale over four days at the Roubiliac studio on 12 May 1762 and the following three days.

Third day under the heading of Sundries in Plaister.

Lot 25. A laughing fawn, a saints head, a laughing boy and a pug dog.

Lot 34. Two dogs.

Fourth day.

Under the heading of Sundries in Plaister.

Lot 31. The academy figures, two plaister ornaments, 2 sketches of busts, a clay bracket and a pug dog.

Under the heading of MOULDS in Plaister.

Lot 59. A pug dog.


Another Roubiliac Dog.

Given that both left and right handed versions of Trump existist is not unreasonable to suggest that both versions were sold at the Roubiliac sale.

In a sale catalogue of Christies on 29 March 1805 'of ... Vases, Marbles, etc collected by a Man of Fashion during a recent visit to Rome and Naples', also included 'original models in Terra Cotta, by the celebrated Roubiliac, &c, &c.'

Referring to models in terracotta by Roubiliac.

Lot 121 - described as ditto a small female figure and ditto of a dog.


Josiah Wedgwood and the Black Basalt model of Hogarth's pug Trump

Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795) made versions in Black Basalt. He based these on a cast bought in 1774 from the London plaster shop of Richard Parker. 

Parker was almost certainly in possession of the piece mould purchased at the posthumous Roubiliac sale of May 1762.

For Parker and his partner and successor Charles Harris at the Alfred's Head see my blog post. -


The Roubiliac Bust of Hogarth now in the NPG.

and the companion model of his pug dog Trump.

The terra cotta is now in the NPG Collections: it was purchased, 1861, from W. Baker of 37 Southampton Row. From the collection of the sitter. 

Nichols, in 1781, refers to it when seen at the Hogarth house in Chiswick: 'His widow has an excellent bust of him by Roubilliac, a strong resemblance', and it was lot 57 ‘. . . Mr. Hogarth, by Roubiliac' in the posthumous sale of her property (she died 1789) from the Golden Head in Leicester Fields, Greenwood's, 24 April 1790.  Lot 58, also a bust 'terra coto', described as 'A ditto of the favourite dog, and cast of Mr. Hogarth's hand', was bought by Mr Bindley of the Stamp Office. 

Known through the Chelsea porcelain version (Victoria and Albert Museum), it was last heard of in the Watson Taylor sale at Erlestoke Park, Wiltshire, 25 July (15th day) 1832, lot 71. The purchaser of lot 57 is given in some copies of the catalogue as 'Finlay', [9] possibly a misreading or the name of an intermediary. 

The accepted purchaser, as noted in the catalogue owned in 1944 by Martin B. Asscher, was 'Dr. Hunter', presumably the surgeon John Hunter, a near neighbour of the Hogarth’s at 28 Leicester Square since 1783.

 In the posthumous sale of his property, Christie's, 29 January 1794, it was presumably lot 62 (3rd day), a terracotta bust of 'Mr. Hogarth', bought Samuel Ireland who had it engraved for Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth. 

By 1809 it was fairly certainly in the possession of George Baker of St Paul's Churchyard, when it was engraved for The Genuine Works of William Hogarth. 

The bust was inherited by his great-nephew Frederick Herbert Hemming, it next passed to the latter's sister Frances Hemming of St John's Wood who sold it, 4 February 1861, to W. Baker.


The recently discovered Wedgwood Basalt Model of Hogarth's Pug Trump.

This version facing left.

Not marked.

Size - Width:11 inches x 6.25 inches x 5.75 inches tall.

By shear coincidence another Wedgwood Basalt Trump, the pair to the model below will be appearing at Christie's London this Autumn (see below).


                              The Christie's Wedgwood Basalt Model of Trump.

           I am very grateful to Matilda Burn of Christie's for providing me with these images.



Wedgwood and Bentley purchased a plaster version of Trump from Richard Parker (fl. 1768 - 84) of the Strand on 10 February 1774.

Busts - Zingara, Vestal at 16 shillings - £2 12s.

Pug Dog at 10s 6d.

See above catalogue entry (above) of Charles Harris at the Alfred's Head, 162 the Strand of 1777 (formerly Parker and Harris).

On the bill is the printed heading.

‘Scagliola;/or Plaster casts of Elegant subjects/ proper to introduce into the decoration of rooms, staircases, halls etc/ Richard Parker/ Opposite the new church in the Strand/ having obtained from Joseph Wilton Esq. statuary to his majesty,/ various moulds of bas reliefs and bustos, made upon his original models / has the honour to acquaint the nobility and gentry, that they may be accommodated with casts at the shortest notice, Sundry samples of which with/ their prices may be seen at the above RICHARD PARKER’S / N.B. These original casts can be had at no other place; and although it may happen/ that some figure makers may clandestinely make moulds of any of those casts, they can / produce at best but an impression void of every original touch’.

Harris was still at this address in 1794.

In 1785 in Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth: with a catalogue of his works by John Nichols ... - Page 20 mentions a catalogue of the Statues, Bustos, etc of Richard Parker Statuary in the Strand and Hogarth’s Pug Dog.


see The Life of Josiah Wedgwood from his Private Correspondence ......Eliza Meteyard, 1866, Vol II Page 326. Extract below.

There is no mention of Pugs or Dogs in the  Wedgwood and Bentley Catalogue of 1779.

This catalogue is available on line to members from The Wellcome Library.


The 1787 Wedgwood Catalogue.

22. Two pug dogs.

This entry suggests to me that they were made as a pair as were the Chelsea pugs.


The Victoria and Albert Museum Chelsea Trump.

Soft Paste Porcelain figure of Hogarth's dog 'Trump', Chelsea Porcelain factory, 1747-1750.

Approx. height: 13.2cm

Width: 26.5cm

They say "The Chelsea factory perhaps also based its version on a commercially available plaster from Roubiliac who produced many plaster casts of his sculptures" - given the date of c.1747 I think that this is unlikely unless Roubiliac produced plaster version for sale - He is known to have produced plaster busts from early in his career, eg Georg Frederick Handel for the Harris's in 1741, see my post

The manager of the Chelsea porcelain factory, Nicholas Sprimont (1716- Jun 1771), was a friend of both Hogarth and Roubiliac. Sprimont was the godfather of Roubiliac's daughter Sophia.

Nicholas Sprimont was a Huguenot born in Liege where he was baptised on 23 January 1716. After serving an apprenticeship as a silversmith, he emigrated to London registering his mark with the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths on 25 January 1742/3. 

He set up the Chelsea Porcelain Factory in around 1744, initially in partnership with the jeweller Charles Gouyn until about 1748 and then in full control until ill health forced Sprimont to sell the factory in 1769.

"Sprimont is a rare instance of an English porcelain entrepreneur with design skills. A visitor to England around 1750 commented that 'an able French artist' supplied 'or directs the models' of everything made at Chelsea. 

According to his widow, Sprimont had 'by his superior skill and taste in the arts of drawing and modelling and painting instructed and perfected several apprentices, workmen and servants'

The factory was at the corner of Lawrence Street and Justice Walk, and part of the works was in Cheyne Row West, where large quantities of broken figures and bases were found during excavations in 1843.  The factory produced ceramics to a very high standard, and the V and A's collection includes many fine examples.

In 18th century English porcelain figures, 1745–1795. Peter Bradshaw (1981); many pieces have been attributed to Roubiliac; see An illustrated catalogue of fifty-eight pieces of fine Chelsea porcelain many modelled by Louis François Roubiliac (circa 1755–1760) in the collection of Henry Edwards Huntington at San Marino, California. 1925. but only Hogarth's pug "Trump" is securely known to be by Roubiliac (J. V. G. Mallet, "Hogarth's pug in porcelain", Victoria & Albert Bulletin (1967:45).

For an overview see -

For Sprimont's works in the Royal Collection see -

Nicholas Sprimont with his wife Anne nee Protin and his sister in law Susannah Protin.

with six Chelsea Gold Anchor period vases.

The Christie's Pair of Chelsea Soft Paste Porcelain Pugs.



No illustrations available on the website.

Sold Price realised USD 81,700.

31 Oct 1996.

10 5/8in. (27cm.) wide.

Lot Essay -

The present lot is the only known pair to be offered at auction. While mirror images have been found over the last half century, this find should reinforce the theory that this model and its opposing example were modelled by Chelsea as a pair.


There are only three other single models known. The first example was sold by Christie's London, October 24, 1966, lot 2 and was acquired by Winifred Williams on behalf of the Victoria and Albert Museum. 

The second example was from the Rous Lench Collection, sold at Sotheby's London, July 1, 1986, lot 198 and is the only known coloured model. 

(This is probably the version in the Stanley F. Goldfien collection which is due to appear at a Christies Auction in the Autumn of 2024 - my italics).

The third is most probably the example from the collection of Mr. Lionel Geneen, mentioned in J.V.G. Mallet's article in Apollo, 1969, vol. 90, no. 90, pp. 100-111, titled 'Rococo English Porcelain: a study in style, and later offered anonymously at Sotheby's London, November 19, 1991, lot 208.

(This is the version now at Colonial Williamsburg Museum - my italics).

A clear link has been established between William Hogarth and a fairly tight circle of artists which was centered around the St. Martin's Lane Academy and Old Slaughter's Coffee House. Louis François Roubiliac, a member of this group, immortalized Hogarth's favorite pug, Trump, in a now lost terra-cotta model. This model and the well-known bust of Hogarth can be identified by the first plate found in Samuel Ireland's, Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, published May 1, 1799. The same model was also listed in the effects of Hogarth's widow in 1789. In addition, Nicholas Sprimont, the director of the Chelsea factory, kept his premises on Compton Street around the corner. A fellow emigré, Sprimont also stood as Godfather to Roubiliac's daughter, Sophie.


For a comprehensive discussion of these models see J.V.G. Mallet's article in the Victoria and Albert Museum Bulletin, April 1967, vol. III, no. 2, titled 'Hogarth's pug in porcelain', pp. 45 - 54.


The Colonial Williamsburg Chelsea Soft Paste Porcelain Model of Trump.

OH: 5 1/8in (13cm); L: 11 5/8in. (29.5cm); W: 6in. (15.2cm).

Note that it faces in the opposite direction to the V and A version.

Thus making it one of a pair.

Acquired the figure at the 19 November 1991 British Ceramics and Glass sale at Sotheby's, London. 

It was lot number 208 in that sale.

I am very grateful to Angelica Kuettner curator of Ceramics at Williamsburg for her assistance in  adding information about the Williamsburg example.

They say - 

"The technical difficulties of firing such a large ceramic mass, combined with the endearing expression of the dog's face, make this figure a master piece of the potter's art".

"Only three examples of Trump are known to survive today (1993). Of the other two, one is considered the highlight of the Victoria and Albert Museum's porcelain collections (illustrated here above - that version faces in the opposite direction)) and the other is still in private hands. 

With its direct associations to Roubilliac, Sprimont, and William Hogarth, this object ranks high among the significant porcelain works in English ceramic history. (From CWF MUSEUM musings, Vol. II, no. l, March 1993, by Robert R. Hunter, Jr. Assistant Curator, Ceramics.)


This is most probably the example from the collection of Mr. Lionel Geneen, mentioned in J.V.G. Mallet's article in Apollo, 1969, vol 90, no. 90, pp. 100-111, titled 'Rococo English Porcelain: a study in style, and later offered anonymously at Sotheby's London, November 19, 1991, lot 208.


Another Chelsea Soft Paste Porcelain model of Hogarth’s dog ‘Trump’ circa 1747.

This is the only known coloured version.

At Christie's Forthcoming Sale - Autumn 2024.

The Stanley F. Goldfein Collection.

No size given

Stanley F. Goldfein was a member of The Wedgwood Society of New York. He was instrumental in seeing that The Buten Collection of Wedgwood was placed with The Birmingham Museum of Art, joining the Beeson Collection to make the museum’s holdings in that category one of the best in the world. Having given pieces to museums during his lifetime, it was his wish that the bulk of his collection be sold on the open market, allowing a new generation of collectors to discover the same joy he found in owning and learning about these extraordinary works.

Highlights from the collection which will be offered by Christie’s London in the Autumn include a Chelsea Porcelain model of Hogarth’s dog ‘Trump’, circa 1745-1747, after the model by L.F. Roubiliac (estimate: £30,000-50,000), a Chelsea Porcelain model of an owl, circa 1745-1749 (estimate: £20,000-30,000), and a Chelsea Porcelain bust of a young boy, circa 1750 (estimate: £15,000-20,000). 

Further details will be available closer to the sale.

 This example is certainly that from the famous Rous Lench Collection, sold at Sotheby's London, July 1, 1986, lot 198 and is so far the only known coloured model.


The two images below very kindly provided by Matilda Burn of Christie's.

Note the Rous Lench label


The Chorley's Auction model of Trump.

21 Sept 2021.

Catalogued as Chelsea.

From the Rous Lench Collection.

Width 11 cms - 

This little version is perhaps related to the marble version pictured below,

They say "possibly the only coloured version of an existing handful of this smaller model. Once a companion to the lauded larger 'Trump' version (also the only coloured version) which was offered from the collection in the Sotheby's sale of 1986./Literature: For a comprehensive discussion of these models see J.V.G. Mallet's article in the Victoria and Albert Museum Bulletin, April 1967, vol. III, no. 2, titled 'Hogarth's pug in porcelain', pp. 45 - 54/

Provenance: Rous Lench Collection and by descent to the current owner"

Image Courtesy Dog News.


The Hogarth House Marble sculpture of Trump.

A much smaller Version of the Roubiliac Trump in Marble is now in the Hogarth House Museum at Chiswick, West London.


H 7.5 x W 14 x D 10 cm;

Plinth: H 2.5 x W 16.5 x D 12.5 cm.


Hogarth and Trump.

The Engraved Portraits.

Designed and Engraved by Hogarth.

Pub 1763.

British Museum.

The Tate Gallery Hogarth Self Portrait.


Self Portrait.

Pub. 1749.

Image courtesy British Museum.


For Good Measure here is Roubiliac's bust of Hogarth.

c. 1741.

Presumably the bust described by Vertue between 2 June and October 1741: ‘Mr. Rubbilac Sculptor of Marble—besides several works in Marble—moddels in Clay. had Modelld from the Life several Busts or portraits extreamly like .. . Mr. Hogarth very like'.


Clipping from the World - 13 March 1790


The Nathaniel Smith Sale of  26 April 1809.

Nathaniel Smith was a former assistant to Roubiliac.

No sign of the pug!