Friday 11 November 2016

Monuments in the Church at Edenham, Part 4.

The Remarkable Group of Funerary Monuments.

in St Michaels Church, Edenham Lincolnshire.

(Part 4).
Monument to Robert Bertie.

Erected in 1728

Unusually it signed by both Henry (Hendrik) Scheemakers (1700 - 48) (brother of Peter Scheemakers) and Henry Cheere.

Born in Antwerp, working in London by 1726  premises in St Margarets Westminster adjacent to his brother. In 1727 John van  Nost II apprenticed his son John van Nost III to him at a fee of £40. 

In July 1733 he had a sale of his possessions before departing forever to France where he worked on the Chateaus of Dampierre and St Cloud.


Robert Bertie died in 1723, aged 63, son of Robert, Earl of Lindsay and wife Elizabeth née Wharton. 

His first wife was Mary Wynne from Carnarvon, by whom he had 2 sons, Robert and Peregrine, and 3 daughters Elizabeth, Elinora and Mary who died young. his second wife, Albina Farrington gave him 5 sons and one daughter, Norris died as an infant.




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