Tuesday 6 February 2024

Christopher Hewetson in Rome (Part 12) - and Cristoforo Prosperi - an incomplete list of their works including those on the inventory compiled after the death of Hewetson.


(under construction).

Part 12.

An edited, adapted and enlarged list of the works of Christopher Hewetson adapted from the  The Henry Moore Institute Online Data Base.

In no particular order.


Portrait of Christopher Hewetson attributed to Tofanelli.

with his bust of Gavin Hamilton

98.5 x 73.5cms

c. 1784.

Wallraf Richarts Museum, Cologne.


The Funery Monuments.

Provost Richard Baldwin (†1758). Funerary Monument. 1771-1784 at Trinity College, Dublin, examination hall.

Cardinal Giovanni Battista Rezzonico (†1783). Funerary Monument. 1783-1784. St Nicola in Carcere, Rome.

Duke Frederick August von Oldenburg. Funerary Monument. 1792-1793. St Lambert, Oldenburg, Germany.

Count Anton Günther von Oldenburg. Funerary Monument. no date. St Lambert, Oldenburg, Germany, the bust on the monument perhaps by Hewetson.


A List of The Busts of Christopher Hewetson.

A Nobleman. Bust? 1790. Exhib. RA, London, with London Dealer Cyril Humphris, 1995.


It now appears that this bust was co owned by London Art Dealers Colnaghi's and Cyril Humphris

see my post - 


William Henry, 1st Duke of Gloucester. Bust. 1772. Windsor Castle, RCIN. 316616

A misidentified plaster version of this bust is in the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-15-henry.html


Sir Watkin Williams Wynn Bt. Bust 1769. National Gallery of Ireland. 8063. Contacted (not mentioned in the on line catalogue!) - http://onlinecollection.nationalgallery.ie/objects/11286/sir-watkin-williamswynn-bt-17491789


Grand Duchess Maria Fyodorovna, later Tsarina of Russia. Bust. 1783. Palace of Gatchina, 1914.  Untraced. See my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part.html


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Bust. 1789-1790. Waterlooplatz, Hanover, Leibniz Temple, Leibniz Haus, Hanover (there is another version in plaster).


Charles Townley. Bust. 1769. British Museum. MLA 1995,4-2,1.

see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-part-29-charles-townley.html


Prince Luigi Gonzaga di Castiglione (1745 - 1819). Bust. 1776. Formerly Arcadian Academy, Rome, currently Palazzo Braschi, Rome. https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-16-bust-of-luigi.htm

and a marble bust of his mistress - Maria Maddalena Morelli. Bust. 1776. Formerly at the Arcadian Academy, Rome, currently Palazzo Braschi, Rome. see above post -



Pope Clement XIV.

see my post

Pope Clement XIV Ganganelli. Marble Bust. 1771. Beningbrough Hall, North Riding Yorkshire (National Trust).

Another at the Yale Centre For British Art Paul Mellon Collection.

Another at the National Gallery of Scotland. Ex Margam Park .

Another Victoria and Albert Museum.

Another sold May 2019. Christie's. New York.

Another, A plaster bust Canova Plaster Gallery Possagno.


Azara and Mengs.

José Nicolas d’Azara, Marques de Nibiano. Bust.1778. Bibliotheque Mazarine, Paris, on loan from Azara family.

Anton Rafael Mengs. Bronze Bust. 1778 -1779. formerly in the Pantheon, Rome, until 1782. Bibliotheque Mazarine, Paris, inv 1850.

Anton Rafael Mengs.  Bronze Bust. 1783. Formerly in the Pantheon, Rome. Protomoteca Capitolina, Rome, 1820.


Herr von Kniphausen.  Bust. 1782-1783.  Schloss Tamsel, near Cüstrin, Brandenburg, until 1945.  see Untraced. see my post -

Frau von Kniphausen. Bust. 1782-1783. Schloss Tamsel, near Cüstrin, Brandenburg, until 1945. Untraced.


Gavin Hamilton. Marble Herm Bust. 1784. Hunterian Art Gall, Glasgow University. Another near identical Marble bust Museum of Beaux Arts, Marseilles.


Thomas Giffard. Bust. 1784. Chillington Hall, Wolverhampton, Staffs. See my post. - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-10.html


Johannes Pichler. Marble Bust. †1791. Formerly in the Pantheon, Rome, 1797. Protomoteca Capitolina, Rome, 1820.


Andrew Stuart of Craigthorn and Castlemilk. Marble Herm Bust. c1789. Signet Library, Edinburgh. see my post -

Frederick Augustus Hervey, Bishop of Derry and 4th Earl of Bristol. Marble Bust. c1770.                 National Portrait Gallery, London 3895. See my post-

Thomas Westfaling, Marble Bust in the Louvre, Paris - another near identical bust on a monument with a relief by William Theed the Elder, 1789. St Mary's, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire. see my post https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-17.html

Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex. Bust. 1794. - A Marble bust by Prosperi at Woburn Abbey; the plaster model was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1811 (953), the marble RA 1812 (935).


Martha Swinburne, a child of nine. Funerary Mural Monument. †1779. Venerable English College, Rome. See my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-10.html

Thomas Mansel Talbot. Bust. 1773. Formerly Margam Castle, Glamorgan Victoria and Albert Museum A.41-1953. There is now some doubt about the identity of this bust - it was identified by John Vivian Hughes in the 1970's. info from Penrice. There is or was another entirely different bust of Mansel Talbot at Penrice. see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/thomas-mansell-talbot-hewetson-in-rome.html


John Campbell, 1st Baron Cawdor FRS. Bust. c.1784. Cawdor Castle, Nairn. National Gallery of Scotland.

see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-part-28.html


Lady Caroline Crichton (1779 - 1856). Bust. 1786 -1790. Private coll, Belfast. Obviously the bust of a girl aged between 7 and 12. see Brefney.

see my post -


Richard Rigby (?), later Master of the Rolls for Ireland. Bust ?1758-1765. Provost’s house, Trinity College, Dublin. Contacted as yet no reply.



Catharine, Viscountess Sudley (†1770). Marble Bust ? 1767-1769. sold Sotheby’s. Current location unknown. see my post



Sir John Throckmorton, 5th Bt, two clay models. Bust. 1800,  Coughton Court, Alcester, Warks (National Trust).



Unidentified gentleman, perhaps Charles, 11th Duke of Norfolk. Bust. Holme Lacy, Herefs. Richard Herner, London. now identified as the bust with Colnaghis in 1979 in co ownership with dealer Cyril Humphris.


‘Anonimo’. Bust. 1800. Private coll, a ‘Noble Lord’, England.


Unidentified man, Louvre Paris, now identified as Thomas Westfaling (see entry for Thomas Westfaling above). 


Unidentified subject. Bust. 1777. RABASF, Madrid (duplicated in plaster).

see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-26-english-prize.html


John Henderson of Fordell (previously thought to be Prince Hoare). Bust. 1771. RABASF, Madrid, E-204.

see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-26-english-prize.html


Franiszek Saleby Potocki, Palatine of Kiev. Bust. c1782. Lancut Castle, Poland. see Joanna Barnes in Antologia di belle arti / diretta da Federico Zeri e Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios pp 166 -169 - 1977 see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewtson-in-rome-part-20-franciszek.html


‘Mr Pitt’, colossal marble Bust. c1796. see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/christopher-hewetson-irish-sculptor-in.html


Sir William Hamilton, FRS, FSA. Marble Bust. c1797. Untraced’  perhaps unfinished. On 10 June 1797 Robert Fagan wrote that ‘Hewetson is at Naples doing Sir William and Lady’s busts’ (T. W. I. Hodgkinson, 'Christopher Hewetson, an Irish Sculptor in Rome', Wal. Soc., XXXIV, 1958, p 53) 

These are busts untraced - possibly sunk in the wreck of the Colossus in 1798 off the Scilly Isles altho' not listed in an inventory of antiquites etc from Naples belonging Hamilton (info de Breffney).

The bust of Gavin Hamilton by Hewetson was in his personal collection.

Lady Hamilton (Emma Hart). Bust. c1797. Untraced as above.


Unidentified man. Bust. nd. Christie’s, 5 Dec 95: private coll.


Francis Basset, later Ist Baron Dunstanville, Two Busts.1777-1778.  RABASF, Madrid. E-474’

see my post -  https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-26-english-prize.html


Angelica Kauffmann, Herm marble Bust. C.1790. Parish Church. Schwarzenberg, Switzerland. See my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-23.html


Pichler, Marble bust -  see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-19.html


The Swinburns - Pair of Bronze Busts probably cast by Valadier - see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/the-swinburnes-hewetson-in-rome-part-8.html


The 1798  Inventory of the contents of Hewetson's Studio.

A list the busts remaining in the Hewetson Studio when he died.

Some of these busts were later completed by his longtime assistant Cristoforo Prosperi.

See my separate post for the works of Prosperi.


The inventory was compiled under the supervision of two contemporary sculptors and restorers Vincenzo Pacetti (1746 - 1820)  and Carlo Albacini (1752 - 1783).

A good starting point for these important characters in the Hewetson story.

 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincenzo_Pacetti


The studio contents list compiled from - 

Christopher Hewetson: Nuovi Documenti, Nuove Interprezioni. by Paolo Coen, 2012, in "Bollettino d'arte"

Will and Inventory of Christopher Hewetson (c1737–1798): Introduction - Ana María Suárez Huerta.The British Art Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Winter 2014/15), pp. 3-17.

1. Milord Plymouth. 

2. Syr John Thromostron. (Throgmorton).

3. Lady Carneghi.

4. Milord Buerre.

5. Milord Harrington.

6. Syr John Marplerson.

7. Milord La Touche.  This entry could refer to either David Digues la Touche (1729 - 1817) or his son John la Touche (1772 - 1838).

8. Lord Clifford.

9 & 10. Milord Wemmuster and Son.

11. Groipen.

12. Milord Brunuch.

13. Unidentified Milord.

14. Milady Plymouth.

This List above compiled from - 

Christopher Hewetson: Nuovi Documenti, Nuove Interprezioni. by Paolo Coen, 2012, in "Bollettino d'arte"

Will and Inventory of Christopher Hewetson (c1737–1798): Introduction - Ana María Suárez Huerta.The British Art Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Winter 2014/15), pp. 3-17.


Lord and Lady Plymouth.

Other Hickman, 5th Earl of Plymouth (1751-1799),

Sarah Lady Plymouth nee Archer (1762 - 1838).

Some notes.

Other Hickman Windsor styled Lord Windsor until 1771 when he became the 5th Earl of Plymouth.

The Fourth Earl had died in 1771.

Other Windsor (4th Earl,of Plymouth and his wife Elizabeth's only son and heir, Other Lewis Windsor, 4th earl (1731-71) was succeeded by his son Other Hickman, 5th earl (1751-1799), who was succeeded by his only son and heir, Other Archer Windsor, 6th earl (1789-1833, dsp.), on whose death the barony of Windsor de Stanwell fell into abeyance. 

The Rev. Andrews Windsor (1754-1837, dsp.) succeeded as 7th earl, being a younger brother of the 4th earl, and he was succeeded by his brother Henry Windsor, 8th earl (1768-1843, dsp.)on whose death the earldom became extinct.


List of works by Cristofano Prosperi. (b.Italy? - d. London 1816).

He was in London from c.1800.

Chief assistant to Christopher Hewetson.

compiled and edited from the original list in the online database.


A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain, 1660-1851.

see also my blog post


The comments in italics are the authors.

Captain Sir Peter Parker. Funerary Monument.   †1814  St Margaret, Westminster, London. see my post - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/christopher-hewetson-irish-sculptor-in.html

Edward Grant.  Funerary Monument. ?1812. Lichborough, Northants.

Frederick-Augustus, Duke of York and Albany. Bust. nd. Holland House, London. On a list of works at Holland House compiled in 1874 by Princess Marie Leichtenstein.(available on line).

Sir Francis Bourgeois. Bust. 1811-1812 Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, Mausoleum. (see my post  - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/christopher-hewetson-irish-sculptor-in.html).

V. Pucitta. Bust. 1810. Exhib. RA, London, 768. Untraced.

J. Symmons. Bust. 1810. Exhib. RA, London, 867. Untraced.

Mr Bruce.  Bust. 1811. Exhib. RA, London, 911. Untraced.

Unidentified gentleman. Bust. 1811. Exhib. RA, London, 923. Untraced.

Mrs Morse.  Bust. 1812. Exhib. RA, London, 899. Untraced.

Princess Pietrapersia of Naples. Bust. 1813. Exhib. RA, London, 921, Untraced.

William Shakespeare.  Bust. 1813. Exhib. RA, London, 923. Untraced.

Rev. T Watkins.  Bust. 1814. Exhib. RA, London, 775. Untraced.

Rev. R Harington. Bust. 1814. Exhib. RA, London, 776. Untraced. (a bust of Harrington? noted in the Studio after he died.

P Watkins. Bust. 1814. Exhib. RA, London, 799. Untraced.

General Moreau. Bust. 1815    Exhib. RA, London, 873. Untraced.

J Forbes.  Bust. 1816. Exhib RA. London, 942, Untraced.

Venus and Cupid, Statue. c.1812. Stratfield Saye, Hants.

Bacchus and Ariadne, Statue. c.1812 Stratfield Saye, Hants.

Sir John Throckmorton (after a model by C Hewetson), Bust. 1800, Coughton Court, Alcester, Warks. (National Trust).  see my post   https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-in-rome-part-14-throckmorton.html

Noel Desenfans, 1811-1812,  Bust. Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, Mausoleum. (see my post  https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/christopher-hewetson-irish-sculptor-in.html).

William Pitt. Bust. 1810,  Untraced. see my post  https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/christopher-hewetson-irish-sculptor-in.html 

Mr Vestris. Bust. 1810,  Exhib. RA, London, 868. Untraced.

Lord Downe. Bust. 1810,    Exhib. RA, London, 887. Untraced.

Henry Hope. Bust. 1807, Exhib. RA, London, 937, Untraced. (Listed in the Henry Moore data base as 1811). 

Horatia Nelson. Bust. 1811, National Maritime Museum. Greenwich, SCU0107. see my post https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/christopher-hewetson-irish-sculptor-in.html

George, Marquess of Blandford. Bust, 1814. Exhib. RA, London, 767, Untraced.

Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus. 1813. Exhib. RA, London, 906. Untraced.

Diana. Bust.1814. Exhib. RA, London, 777, Untraced.


Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex. Bust, 1811. Woburn Abbey, Beds.( the plaster model was exhibited RA 1811 (953), the marble RA 1812 (935) Info here NPG)info NPG (note to self the dates need checking!)see my post on The Hewetson Herm Busts.

 - https://bathartandarchitecture.blogspot.com/2024/02/hewetson-sculptor-in-rome-part-13.html 



Portrait of Carlo Albacini.

attrib. to Tofanelli.who also painted the portrait of Hewetson.


A Further Selection of the Available Hewetson Literature.

Royal Dublin Society Library, Dublin, The Society Minute book 1758–61, 10; see Dictionary of Irish Art, Strickland 1913

available on line at - 

Terence Hodgkinson,‘Christopher Hewetson, an Irish sculptor in Rome’, Walpole Society, xxxiv (1952–4). An excellent starting point.

Christopher Hewetson, by Brian de Breffny, Irish Arts Review (1984-1987), Vol. 3, No. 3 (Autumn, 1986), pp.

K. A. Esdaile, Christopher Hewetson and His Monument to Dr. Baldwin in Trinity College, Dublin -The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Vol. 77, No. 2 (Dec., 1947).

From Batoni's Brush to Canova's Chisel 1740 - 1830. Edinburgh University PHD Thesis, 2016.


A Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Italy, 1701 -1800. John Ingamells. Pub Yale. 1997.


The next two publications are invaluable for an overview of Art and Artists in Rome in the Late 18th Century. 

Grand Tour, The Lure of Italy in the Eighteenth Century. Exhibition Catalogue, Andrew Wilton and Ilaria Bignamini, Pub Tate. 1996.

Art in Rome in the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Bowron and Rishel. Pub Philadelphia Museum of Art. 2000.


A Portrait of Bartolomeo Cavaceppi (1715/16 - 1799).

by Anton von Maron (1733 - 1808).

A pupil of Mengs (see Hewetson busts of Anton Raphael Mengs - assitant to Mengs he married Meng's sister).

The most important restorer of Antiquities in Rome in the mid late 18th century.

His fame was firmly established between 1768 and 1772, when he published three volumes of engraved images of works he had restored or possessed, the Raccolta d'Antiche statue, Busti, Teste Cognite.

The portrait included here for good measure.

I suspect that Heweton had close ties with Cavaceppi at the beginning of his sojourn in Rome.


The use of the eared socle based on classical prototypes, on 18th century portrait busts was popularised by Cavaceppi and used frequently on Hewtson's busts.


Marble Bust of Caracalla.


Included here for comparison with the Hewetson eared Socles.

with the eared socle.

Image etc Getty Centre.

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