Friday 11 November 2016

Monuments in the Church at Edenham, (Part 3).

The Remarkable Group of Monuments in Saint Michael's Church
Edenham, Lincolnshire.

(Part 3).

Peregrine Bertie, Duke of Ancaster.

Probably sculpted by the Workshop of Henry Cheere.

Peregrine Bertie. Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven,

 Lord Great Chamberlain of England, Died aged 55, in 1741.
Shown in Roman dress leaning on an urn with a medallion of Duchess Jane,
née Brownlow.

The pose is adapted from  that used on the 1750 Shakespeare monument by Scheemakers in Westminster Abbey.

They had 3 sons and 4 daughters: Peregrine, Albermarle, Brownlow, Mary, Albina, Jane and Carolina.


Jane Duchess of Ancaster.
Photographs by the Author - 5 May 2015.


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